
Definitions of compliance terms are often inaccurate and cause poor communication. Join others who demand accurate compliance definitions.

May 30, 2018 | Webinar Announcements, News/Articles

Join the Collaboration Against Confusing Compliance Term Definitions!

Did you know that definitions of compliance terms are often inaccurate,  and create conflicting definitions? That situation makes compliance even more difficult because poor communication costs time and money.

Join others who want the confusion to end and sign up now!

Learn the Best Method for Creating Accurate Definitions

We spend a lot of our time reading, correcting and creating definitions related to compliance. We want you to be able to do the same -- to spot a good definition and write better ones -- and we have developed a fool-proof method for doing so.

To assist you, we’re conducting an educational webinar titled “Compliance Definitions: Learn How to Say What You Mean,” on June 21, 2018 at 10:30 a.m. PT/1:30 p.m. ET.

Reserve your seat today – space is limited!

Dorian Cougias, Chief Compliance Scientist, creator of the Compliance Dictionary, and Unified Compliance co-founder, will present the webinar and discuss the following topics:

  1. Definition Basics
  2. Writing Simple Definitions
  3. Writing Formal Definitions
  4. Writing Definitions for Special Circumstances

Why You Should Attend

You should attend this webinar if you:

  • Need to maintain a Data Dictionary
  • Want to improve the clarity of your written compliance communications
  • Want to eliminate confusion you may have after reading a glossary

At the end of this webinar, you’ll understand why accurate definitions are so important to effective communication. You’ll also learn how to interpret regulations accurately and write your own definitions to eliminate the general confusion that often surrounds compliance documents.

Here’s a Bonus for Webinar Attendees!

As a bonus for attending the webinar, you will receive a free PDF version of The Definitions Book that includes step-by-step instructions for evaluating and writing definitions!

Take Action Now!

Don’t miss this educational webinar. Mark your calendars now and register toreserve your seat!