
Limit term definitions to a single concept.

Establish/Maintain Documentation


This Control directly supports the implied Control(s):
  • Establish and maintain definitions for terminological entries., CC ID: 13319

There are no implementation support Controls.


  • A definition shall describe only one concept. It shall not include hidden definitions of other concepts, e.g. concepts denoting characteristics. Any characteristic that requires an explanation shall be defined separately as a separate concept in a separate entry or given in a note. (§ 6.3.5 ¶ 12, ISO 704:2009 Terminology work -- Principles and methods)
  • A definition shall describe the content of the concept precisely. It should be neither too narrow nor too broad. Otherwise, the definition is considered inaccurate. Non-delimiting or irrelevant characteristics in the definition may result in an extension where objects are unintentionally included or… (§ 6.5.3 ¶ 1, ISO 704:2009 Terminology work -- Principles and methods)
  • An intensional definition shall describe only one concept. It shall not include hidden definitions of other concepts. Any characteristic that requires a clarification shall be defined as a separate concept in a separate terminological entry. ( ¶ 1, ISO 704:2022 Terminology work — Principles and methods, 4)
  • When adapting a definition to a specific domain or subject (see Clause A.4), the extension thereby is limited to the domain or subject indicated at the beginning of the definition. (6.4.6 ¶ 2, ISO 704:2022 Terminology work — Principles and methods, 4)
  • A definition shall describe the concept precisely. It should be neither too narrow nor too broad. Otherwise, the definition is considered inaccurate. Non-delimiting or irrelevant characteristics in the definition can result in an extension where objects are unintentionally included or excluded. A de… (6.5.3 ¶ 1, ISO 704:2022 Terminology work — Principles and methods, 4)
  • A definition shall describe what a concept is, not what it is not. This requirement applies even if one of its essential characteristics can be viewed as the opposite of an essential characteristic of another concept or other concepts. (6.5.4 ¶ 1, ISO 704:2022 Terminology work — Principles and methods, 4)
  • The terminology treated in an International Standard shall reflect a coherent concept system of the domain or subject in question. It shall be precise and lead to increased clarity in communication. Thus, in the case of terminology work carried out in standardization, an acceptability rating should … (7.7.7 ¶ 1, ISO 704:2022 Terminology work — Principles and methods, 4)
  • Proper names represent individual concepts. In natural languages with grammatical number, a proper name shall designate an individual concept even if the proper name is morphologically in the plural. When recording the proper name in a terminology resource, the form of the proper name shall respect … (7.4.1 ¶ 1, ISO 704:2022 Terminology work — Principles and methods, 4)