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GDPR and Breach Notification: Is the Boogeyman Really Coming for You?

When Good Enough Really Is. . . Good Enough If you are struggling with GDPR compliance, you need to...

When Good Enough Really Is. . .  Good Enough

If you are struggling with GDPR compliance, you need to join us for a webinar that will help you streamline your GDPR preparations into a manageable set of steps. You’ll also gain knowledge about complying with the GDPR that will save you time and money.

OCEG (Open Compliance & Ethics Group), the global nonprofit think tank that invented GRC, and Unified Compliance, the publisher of the world’s largest compliance library, the Unified Compliance Framework® will join forces for this insightful discussion on GDPR compliance on June 5, 2018 at 8 a.m. PDT, 11 a.m. EDT.

Reserve Your Seat Today!

The GDPR: What’s Hype and What’s Reality?

There’s a lot of buzz about the GDPR, and what it will take to achieve compliance. As a result, many organizations are churning with activities meant to achieve complete compliance. It is reminiscent of the untold dollars and time spent to prepare for the anticipated carnage called Y2K.

As you may recall, at the time most computers used two digits for the year. People assumed that when the year 2000 rolled around, chaos would ensue because the computers would interpret the year as 1900. It turned out to be a non-event that simply drained money and man hours from companies all across the globe.

Don’t get caught in a Y2K-type whirlwind. Attend this webinar to define GDPR hype vs. reality for your organization.

What You Will Learn

During the one-hour webinar, Jason Mefford, Lead Singer, Rock N Roll Risk Management & OCEG Fellow, and Dorian Cougias, co-founder of Unified Compliance will:

  • Identify the questions to ask yourself to determine how your organization needs to comply
  • Separate hype from reality as related to GDPR compliance
  • Define why it doesn’t make business sense to implement all of the GDPR
  • Identify the critical controls required to collect data and respond to incidents

At the end of this webinar, you’ll be the hero who slew the GDPR Boogeyman. You’ll be able to:

  • Turn off the GDPR disaster preparation mania gripping your organization
  • Create and implement a realistic GDPR compliance plan
  • Think strategically and fight against the message from the compliance industry that demands perfection and compliance with every remotely applicable regulation - in the GDPR and beyond

Should You Attend?

Two groups of people will benefit from this webinar.

  • Professionals with responsibility in IT Security and GRC
  • Professionals in disciplines that oversee the collection and processing of personal data such as Human Resources, Marketing and Sales

Get Rid of the GDPR Boogeyman Today!

Register for this webinar now. Space is limited.