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To Map, or Not to Map

There are three different ways to map a private document or public document into the UCF

There are three different ways to map a private document or public document into the UCF

You are enjoying the great benefits of the Common Controls Hub where over one thousand Authority Documents are harmonized to the UCF. Hold on! It appears that some documents are missing. It could be a public document that is not mapped. You might want to identify gaps between internal controls and other Authority Documents. We have options!

Do It Yourself

License the UCF Mapper and three of your team members take 8 hours of online, proctored training. Costs are $5K/year plus a one-time charge of $2295 for each team member. Use case - lots of documents to map in, already doing an internal cross-walking process. Read all about the UCF Mapper Training

Engage Professional Services

Costs are $100/mandate (controls can have multiple mandates), $50/new term, and $100/new Common Control. Use case - a few documents to map in, time is not available for your team. Professional Compliance Mapping, at your service!


UC maps and you review and approve.

Costs are $50/mandate, $50/new term, and $100/new Common Control. Use case - a few documents to map in, some time is available for your team but you do not have time become an expert. You will maintain your own documents after the initial mapping.

The cost benefits of learning to map with UCF Mapper are realized for 165 or more mandates. By changing the value of the B2 cell in the attached spreadsheet, Mapping Cost Analysis, you can approximate the costs of each mapping strategy.